<3 West Coast Flying Trapeze
When in Canada, do as the Canadians do ...
With my love of Cirque, how could I not attempt to take a flying trapeze class whilst in Canada? Had an AMAZING time at their Onesies Friday class, where I shuffled between time on the rig, molesting their adorable little puppy, and snatching catnaps in a vain attempt to fend off a cold.
It was a near miss on the class, as the entire week I had planned to be in Vancouver with a friend was abruptly commandeered by a work emergency and I had to fly to SF for the week on 48 hours' notice. Then I managed to get out of SF a day early - but only partly due to what felt like the beginnings of a cold caught from the conference, which I argued I should nurse while away from key personnel and in a stable location, traveling BEFORE it got too bad.
Prophetic words, because the "cold" eventually became bronchitis later in the week, but before we knew it would be anything worse, we managed to sneak in a flying trapeze class in the one night we had left in Vancouver. And boy, I have never been so glad to have been forced out of a nap and into the freezing cold. HEE-YAH!
I was absolutely incredulous when they verbally laid out this trick to me, and then claimed that it was catchable. I continued to be incredulous when they said that the catcher would hold ANOTHER bar which I was supposed to latch onto. Those crazy trapeze artists ... what will they think of next.
Richmond, BC Canada
When in Canada, do as the Canadians do ...
With my love of Cirque, how could I not attempt to take a flying trapeze class whilst in Canada? Had an AMAZING time at their Onesies Friday class, where I shuffled between time on the rig, molesting their adorable little puppy, and snatching catnaps in a vain attempt to fend off a cold.
It was a near miss on the class, as the entire week I had planned to be in Vancouver with a friend was abruptly commandeered by a work emergency and I had to fly to SF for the week on 48 hours' notice. Then I managed to get out of SF a day early - but only partly due to what felt like the beginnings of a cold caught from the conference, which I argued I should nurse while away from key personnel and in a stable location, traveling BEFORE it got too bad.
Prophetic words, because the "cold" eventually became bronchitis later in the week, but before we knew it would be anything worse, we managed to sneak in a flying trapeze class in the one night we had left in Vancouver. And boy, I have never been so glad to have been forced out of a nap and into the freezing cold. HEE-YAH!
I was absolutely incredulous when they verbally laid out this trick to me, and then claimed that it was catchable. I continued to be incredulous when they said that the catcher would hold ANOTHER bar which I was supposed to latch onto. Those crazy trapeze artists ... what will they think of next.
Richmond, BC Canada